Activists disrupt YARA @ Agromek, Herning

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This morning (27/11/18) activists from Free the Soil creatively disrupted fertilizer-giant YARA at the largest agricultural expo in Northern Europe, Agromek in Herning.
Handing out “blue pills” to forget about climate change, the activists were threatened with legal repercussions and quickly thrown out.


Activists from the campaign Free the Soil arrived this morning to the opening of the agricultural expo Agromek in Herning. Dressed as fertilizer-bags from fertilizer-giant YARA, they were handing out “blue pills” as an easy cure to forget the responsibility of the agriculture in causing the climate crisis.

One of the activists, Nanna Clifforth, explains: “We can either continue living the lie, that the climate-crisis isn’t our responsibility, and let industrial agriculture continue it’s climate-killing business, or we can shut down the fertilizer-industry and change agricultural production towards more sustainable methods.”

YARA is the worlds largest producer of nitrogen for synthetic fertilizer, with a huge consumption of fossil fuels. Nanna explains: “YARA is the largest buyer of fossil gas in all of Europe and a huge lobbying-power for the expansion of fracking in the US. At the same time, they are trying to sell themselves as part of the agricultural solution to the climate crisis. This doesn’t add up, and that’s why we’re here today.”


Aktivister fra kampagnen Free the Soil var her til morgen mødt op til åbningen af Agromek i Herning. Klædt ud som gødningssække fra kunstgødningsgiganten YARA delte aktivisterne blå piller ud som den nemme kur til at glemme landbrugets ansvar for klimakrisen.

En af aktivisterne Nanna Clifforth forklarer: ”Vi kan enten fortsætte med at leve på en løgn om, at klimakrisen ikke er vores ansvar og lade det industrielle landbrug fortsætte sin klimaskadelige virksomhed, eller vi kan lukke ned for kunstgødningsindustrien og ændre landbrugsproduktionen til bæredygtige produktionsmetoder.”

YARA er verdens største producent af kvælstof til kunstgødning med et kæmpe forbrug af fossile brændsler. Nanna uddyber: ”YARA er den største aftager af fossil gas i hele Europa og en stærk lobbykraft for udbredelsen af fracking i USA. Samtidig forsøger de at sælge sig selv som en del af landbrugets løsning på klimakrisen. Det hænger slet ikke sammen og det er derfor vi er her i dag”.

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