Free the Soil en français!

This is an invitation and call-out from our French group RadiAction to come to the camp and action in September: Salut Ă  toustes, Pour la première fois, une action de masse est organisĂ©e pour bloquer un site clĂ© de l’agro-industrie europĂ©enne : l’usine d’engrais azotĂ©s de Yara situĂ©e Ă  Brunsbuttel Read more…

New ‘Free the Soil’ Poster out !!!

Whether you’ve been looking for something to put on your bedroom wall, or waiting for a reason to go postering in the night, fret not: the Free the Soil poster is now out! You can download it here:

Support our fundraising-campaign!

Organizing a camp and a mass-action isn’t free, and it isn’t cheap either. This is why we’ve started a fundraising campaign on the platform Firefund! Check it out and donate on:   FIREFUND is a platform that seeks to encourage cooperation within this diverse field of revolutionary movements. We want Read more…

March against Bayer & Syngenta

18th of May in the city of Basel (Switzerland/CH), a demonstration will take place against the agro-chemical companies Bayer and Syngenta.These are two of the largest agro-industrial companies, that through their domination of the seed- and pesticide-markets continue to exploit farmers and peasants worldwide in their hunt for profit and Read more…